Definition of overload


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"Overload" emerged in the late 19th century, combining the prefix "over-" (meaning "too much" or "excessively") with the noun "load," which signifies a burden or weight. The word "load" itself has roots in Old English, stemming from the verb "hlædan" (to load or carry). Initially referring to physical burdens, "overload" expanded to encompass various contexts, including electrical circuits, information processing, and even emotional stress, reflecting the concept of exceeding capacity or limits.


to put too great a load on something

đặt gánh nặng quá lớn lên cái gì đó

  • an overloaded truck

    xe tải quá tải

to give somebody too much of something

cung cấp cho ai đó quá nhiều thứ gì đó

  • He's overloaded with responsibilities.

    Anh ấy đang bị quá tải với những trách nhiệm.

  • Don't overload the students with information.

    Đừng làm học sinh quá tải với thông tin.

to put too great a demand on a computer, an electrical system, etc. causing it to fail

đặt ra yêu cầu quá lớn cho máy tính, hệ thống điện, v.v. khiến nó bị hỏng

  • The lights went out because the system was overloaded.

    Đèn tắt vì hệ thống quá tải.

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