Definition of overflow


tràn ra


The word "overflow" has its origins in Middle English, around the 14th century. At that time, people used "overflownen" to describe something that had a surplus, an abundance, or an excess. This term comes from the preposition "over" and the past participle of the verb "flowen," which meant "flown over." The phrase "overflownen" referred to the way that water would spill over the banks of a river or a container when it contained too much. This sense of the word still exists today, as "overflow" is commonly used to describe water that has exceeded its limits, such as when a bathtub or a sink is filled to capacity. Over time, the word "overflow" has come to be used more broadly to indicate any situation where something is beyond its natural limits or capacity. For instance, an overflow crowd at a concert or theater might be too large to be accommodated by the seating arrangements, or an overflowing closet might contain too many clothes or belongings. In all of these circumstances, "overflow" is used to signify that there is more than can fit neatly or comfortably within the expected bounds. The term is a reminder that, in many aspects of life, it can be challenging to find a balance between excess and limitations.


to be so full that the contents go over the sides

đầy đủ đến mức nội dung tràn ra hai bên

  • The bath is overflowing!

    Bồn tắm tràn ngập!

  • Plates overflowed with party food.

    Những chiếc đĩa tràn ngập đồ ăn của bữa tiệc.

  • His bag was overflowing with clothes.

    Túi của anh ấy tràn ngập quần áo.

  • Her heart overflowed with love.

    Trái tim cô tràn ngập tình yêu.

  • The river overflowed its banks.

    Dòng sông tràn bờ.

to have too many people in it

có quá nhiều người trong đó

  • The streets were overflowing with the crowds.

    Đường phố tràn ngập đám đông.

  • The hospitals are filled to overflowing (= with patients).

    Các bệnh viện tràn ngập (= với bệnh nhân).

to spread beyond the limits of a place or container that is too full

lan rộng ra ngoài giới hạn của một nơi hoặc container quá đầy

  • The meeting overflowed into the street.

    Cuộc họp tràn ra đường.

  • The chemicals overflowed from their storage tank.

    Các hóa chất tràn ra khỏi bể chứa của họ.

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