Definition of ostentatiously


một cách phô trương


The word "ostentatiously" has a fascinating history. It originated in the 15th century from the Latin words "ostentare," meaning "to show" or "to display," and the suffix "-iously," which forms an adverb. The word initially meant "showily" or "flourishingly," describing something that is openly displayed or exhibited for public view. In the 17th century, the word shifted to convey a sense of showiness or pretentiousness, often with a negative connotation. For example, someone who dresses ostentatiously might be exhibiting excessive pride or wealth. Today, "ostentatiously" is often used to describe something that is done or displayed in an exaggerated or pretentious manner, often with an air of vanity or social climbing.


in a way that is meant to impress people by showing how rich, important, etc. somebody is

theo cách nhằm gây ấn tượng với mọi người bằng cách cho thấy ai đó giàu có, quan trọng, v.v.

  • ostentatiously dressed

    ăn mặc phô trương

  • an ostentatiously lavish lifestyle

    một lối sống xa hoa phô trương

Related words and phrases

in a very obvious way so that people will notice it

theo một cách rất rõ ràng để mọi người có thể chú ý đến nó

  • His hands were clasped ostentatiously behind his head.

    Hai tay anh ta chắp lại một cách khoa trương sau đầu.

  • She was very severe and ostentatiously pious.

    Bà rất nghiêm khắc và tỏ ra sùng đạo một cách phô trương.