Definition of orient


định hướng


The word "orient" originated in the Middle Ages, specifically in the 14th century. At that time, Europe was beginning to establish trade relations with the eastern regions of the Mediterranean and Asia, including what are now modern-day Iran, Iraq, and Turkey. Europeans noticed that these areas rose at sunrise before Europe did, which led them to believe that these lands were, in some metaphorical way, "orientated" towards the east, where the sun first rose. This interpretation relied on the Latin word "oriens," meaning "rising" or "east," which also gave us the term "oriental." The word "orient" first emerged as a noun in the late 15th century, and it referred to the geographic areas located in the eastern direction, as opposed to the "occident" or "west." During the colonial era, "oriental" was a term employed to denote the people, cultures, and languages of this region, which included not just the Middle East but also India, China, and other parts of Asia. Today, the words "orient" and "oriental" have more specific meanings, primarily as adjectives that describe people, places, and things associated with that region of the world. Over time, however, these terms have also acquired some negative connotations due to their potential association with colonialism and cultural essentialism, leading many to avoid using them in favor of more specific, nuanced terminology.


to direct somebody/something towards something; to make or adapt somebody/something for a particular purpose

hướng ai/cái gì tới cái gì đó; tạo ra hoặc điều chỉnh ai đó/cái gì đó cho một mục đích cụ thể

  • Our students are oriented towards science subjects.

    Học sinh của chúng tôi hướng tới các môn khoa học.

  • policies oriented to the needs of working mothers

    chính sách hướng tới nhu cầu của các bà mẹ đang đi làm

  • We run a commercially oriented operation.

    Chúng tôi điều hành một hoạt động định hướng thương mại.

  • Neither of them is politically oriented (= interested in politics).

    Cả hai đều không có định hướng chính trị (= quan tâm đến chính trị).

to find your position in relation to everything that is around or near you

để tìm vị trí của bạn trong mối quan hệ với mọi thứ xung quanh hoặc gần bạn

  • The mountaineers found it hard to orient themselves in the fog.

    Những người leo núi gặp khó khăn trong việc định hướng trong sương mù.

to make yourself familiar with a new situation

để làm cho mình quen với một tình huống mới

  • It took him some time to orient himself in his new school.

    Anh ấy phải mất một thời gian để định hướng cho mình ở trường mới.

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