Definition of offshore


ngoài khơi


The origin of the word "offshore" dates back to the 17th century. Initially, it referred to the area of the sea outside a country's territorial waters, where naval vessels were typically stationed. In the 18th century, the term gained a new meaning in the context of international finance. "Offshore" began to describe financial activities conducted outside the regulatory scope of one's home country, often in tax havens or jurisdictions with favorable financial conditions. This sense of "offshore" was initially used to describe international trade and financial transactions, but over time it expanded to encompass various activities such as banking, insurance, and even corporate structures. Today, "offshore" encompasses a broad range of financial and economic activities that operate outside the regulatory boundaries of a particular country or jurisdiction.


happening or existing in the sea, not far from the land

xảy ra hoặc tồn tại ở biển, không xa đất liền

  • offshore drilling

    khoan ngoài khơi

  • an offshore island

    một hòn đảo ngoài khơi

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blowing from the land towards the sea

thổi từ đất liền ra biển

  • offshore breezes

    gió biển

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kept or located in a foreign country that has more generous tax laws than the home country

được lưu giữ hoặc đặt tại một quốc gia có luật thuế ưu đãi hơn quốc gia quê hương

  • offshore investments

    đầu tư nước ngoài

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