Definition of odour




The word "odour" has its roots in Old French "odor", which is derived from the Latin word "odor", meaning "smell" or "scent". This Latin term is also the source of the English word "odor", which refers to a distinctive smell or fragrance. In Middle English (circa 1100-1500), the word "odour" emerged as a variant of "odour", and it has retained its current spelling and meaning since then. The prefix "o-" in "odour" comes from the Old French "o-", which is derived from the Latin "o-" prefix, indicating movement or direction towards something, in this case, towards a smell. Throughout its history, the word "odour" has been used to describe a wide range of smells, from pleasant fragrances like perfumes to unpleasant odors like those caused by rotting matter.

  • The flowers in the garden gave off a sweet odour that filled the air.

    Những bông hoa trong vườn tỏa ra mùi hương ngọt ngào lan tỏa trong không khí.

  • The kitchen was filled with the pungent odour of burnt food.

    Căn bếp tràn ngập mùi thức ăn cháy khét nồng nặc.

  • The damp cellar had a musty odour that lingered in the air.

    Căn hầm ẩm ướt có mùi mốc meo thoang thoảng trong không khí.

  • The aroma of freshly brewed coffee wafted through the house, leaving an inviting odour.

    Mùi thơm của cà phê mới pha lan tỏa khắp nhà, để lại một mùi hương hấp dẫn.

  • The perfume she wore had a strong odour that filled the room.

    Mùi nước hoa cô ấy dùng có mùi nồng nặc lan tỏa khắp phòng.

  • The odour of gasoline hung in the air, reminding us of the nearby construction site.

    Mùi xăng nồng nặc trong không khí, khiến chúng tôi nhớ đến công trường xây dựng gần đó.

  • The sea breeze brought with it the salty oceanic odour we all love.

    Gió biển mang theo mùi mặn của đại dương mà tất cả chúng ta đều yêu thích.

  • The sheep shed had a distinct, sheepy odour that was unmistakable.

    Chuồng cừu có mùi cừu đặc trưng không thể nhầm lẫn được.

  • The compost bin gave off a rich, earthy odour as it decomposed.

    Thùng ủ phân thải ra mùi đất nồng nặc khi phân hủy.

  • The restaurant's air conditioning unit leaked, leaving an unsavoury odour in its wake.

    Máy điều hòa của nhà hàng bị rò rỉ, để lại mùi khó chịu.

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be in good/bad odour (with somebody)
(formal)to have/not have somebody’s approval and support