Definition of oath


tuyên thệ


The word "oath" originated from the Old English word "āð" which was pronounced as "ATH." This word was derived from the Germanic root "watho-," which means "devotion or devoutness." The Old English word "āð" was used as a poetic term for "solemn promise" or "vow." When the English language adopted the Latin-French vocabulary, the word "oath" was borrowed from the Old French word "uiue" which was the borrowed word from the Latin "IVO" meaning "live." The Latin word "IVO" was used to mean "by the life force" or "by the life that is in me." In the Middle English era, both the old English and French words coexisted, and the word "oatht" came to be used to distinguish the old English word from the new French word "oath." The word "oatht" meant "the statement made on taking an oath." Over time, the word "oatht" became obsolete, and the word "oath" prevailed. Today, the word "oath" retains its traditional meaning of a solemn promise or vow made in the presence of witnesses or a higher authority, often invoking a divine being as witness. Its roots still contain an element of implying a connection, devotion, or invoking a higher power, which serves as a reminder of the traditional meaning of the word.


a formal promise to do something or a formal statement that something is true

một lời hứa chính thức để làm một cái gì đó hoặc một tuyên bố chính thức rằng điều gì đó là đúng

  • to take/swear an oath of allegiance

    tuyên thệ trung thành

  • Before giving evidence, witnesses in court have to take the oath (= promise to tell the truth).

    Trước khi đưa ra bằng chứng, nhân chứng tại tòa phải tuyên thệ (= hứa nói sự thật).

  • The next US president will take the oath of office in January.

    Tổng thống Mỹ tiếp theo sẽ tuyên thệ nhậm chức vào tháng Giêng.

  • All members had to swear a solemn oath never to reveal the secrets of the organization.

    Tất cả các thành viên đều phải tuyên thệ long trọng không bao giờ tiết lộ bí mật của tổ chức.

  • You are bound by oath to tell the truth.

    Bạn bị ràng buộc bởi lời thề phải nói sự thật.

Extra examples:
  • Only a judge is allowed to administer the oath.

    Chỉ có thẩm phán mới được phép thực hiện lời tuyên thệ.

  • a doctor's Hippocratic oath

    lời thề Hippocrates của bác sĩ

an offensive word or phrase used to express anger, surprise, etc.; a swear word

một từ hoặc cụm từ xúc phạm dùng để thể hiện sự tức giận, ngạc nhiên, v.v.; một lời chửi thề

  • She heard the sound of breaking glass, followed by a muttered oath.

    Cô nghe thấy tiếng kính vỡ, sau đó là tiếng chửi thề lẩm bẩm.

Related words and phrases


on/under oath
(law)having made a formal promise to tell the truth in court
  • Is she prepared to give evidence on oath?
  • The judge reminded the witness that he was still under oath.
  • You have sworn under oath that you never met this man.