Definition of oasis


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The word "oasis" originates from the Arabic word "oas" (واس), which means "well" or "spring". In desert landscapes, oases were naturally occurring springs or wells that provided a vital source of water and sustenance for travelers and animals. The term eventually evolved to describe a fertile and green area surrounded by arid desert, often featuring palm trees, flowers, and other vegetation. The word "oasis" has been adopted into many languages, including English, and has become a popular metaphor for a welcoming and refreshing haven or refuge. In a broader sense, an oasis can also symbolize a respite from the challenges and difficulties of life, offering a sense of comfort, tranquility, and rejuvenation.


an area in the desert where there is water and where plants grow

một khu vực trong sa mạc nơi có nước và nơi thực vật phát triển

a pleasant place or period of time in the middle of something unpleasant or difficult

một nơi dễ chịu hoặc một khoảng thời gian ở giữa một cái gì đó khó chịu hoặc khó khăn

  • an oasis of calm

    một ốc đảo bình yên

  • a green oasis in the heart of the city

    một ốc đảo xanh giữa lòng thành phố

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