Definition of number cruncher

number crunchernoun

máy tính số

/ˈnʌmbə krʌntʃə(r)//ˈnʌmbər krʌntʃər/

The term "number cruncher" originated in the mid-20th century, during the era of large-scale data processing using mechanical calculators. These devices, known as punched card machines or calculators, performed arithmetic operations through the manipulation of physical cards with holes punched in them. The relentless, repetitive and tedious task of processing vast quantities of numerical data through these machines was a challenge that required considerable patience, diligence and mathematical acumen. The person tasked with performing such calculations became known as a "number cruncher," implying someone who enjoys carefully and systematically processing and analyzing numerical data. Over time, the term has evolved to encompass individuals who use computers and advanced statistical techniques to manipulate and interpret vast amounts of data, particularly in the fields of economics, finance, and science.


a person whose job involves working with numbers, such as an accountant

một người có công việc liên quan đến con số, chẳng hạn như một kế toán

  • Financial advisers need to be more than just number crunchers—they need people skills too.

    Các cố vấn tài chính không chỉ cần giỏi tính toán mà còn cần có kỹ năng giao tiếp.

a computer or computer program that works with numbers and calculates data

một máy tính hoặc chương trình máy tính hoạt động với các con số và tính toán dữ liệu

  • We put everything through a number cruncher.

    Chúng tôi đưa mọi thứ vào máy tính để tính toán.