Definition of numb



The word "numb" originated in the late Middle English period, around the 15th century. Its origin can be traced back to the Old English word "numm" which means insensibility or senselessness. The Old English word "numm" is believed to have come from the Proto-Germanic "mumnaz" which in turn is derived from the Proto-Indo-European root "men" meaning to close or shut. In Middle English, the word "numm" took on the meaning of being insensible or senseless, not just physically but also mentally or emotionally. This meaning continued with the modern English word "numb." In modern English, "numb" is used to describe a physical state of insensitivity or lack of feeling in a specific part of the body, commonly caused by injury, illness, or anesthesia. It can also be used figuratively to describe a lack of emotion or interest in a situation. Its versatility in meaning has allowed it to remain a useful term in the English language for over five hundred years.


if a part of your body is numb, you cannot feel anything in it, for example because of cold

nếu một phần cơ thể bạn bị tê, bạn không thể cảm nhận được gì ở đó, ví dụ như vì lạnh

  • to be/go numb

    bị/tê liệt

  • numb with cold

    tê cóng vì lạnh

  • I've just been to the dentist and my face is still numb.

    Mình mới đi khám răng mặt vẫn còn tê.

Extra examples:
  • His fingers were beginning to go numb.

    Những ngón tay của anh bắt đầu tê dại.

  • My legs were numb from kneeling.

    Chân tôi tê cứng vì quỳ.

unable to feel, think or react in the normal way

không thể cảm nhận, suy nghĩ hoặc phản ứng theo cách bình thường

  • He felt numb with shock.

    Anh cảm thấy tê dại vì sốc.

Extra examples:
  • Her voice sounded numb.

    Giọng cô nghe có vẻ tê dại.

  • The news left us numb and confused.

    Tin tức khiến chúng tôi tê liệt và bối rối.

  • Laura felt totally numb.

    Laura cảm thấy hoàn toàn tê liệt.

  • He felt numb with weariness and grief.

    Anh cảm thấy tê liệt vì mệt mỏi và đau buồn.

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