Definition of nuisance


phiền toái


The origin of the word "nuisance" can be traced back to the Old French "noisance," which was used to describe a loud or trouble-causing event or person. The word made its way into Middle English in the 14th century, where it was initially used to refer to a public annoyance or disturbance. As the meaning of the word evolved over time, it began to encompass a variety of frustrating and disruptive situations, from unwanted pests and animals to disputes between neighbors and business partners. In its modern usage, "nuisance" is defined as any action or condition that annoys, inconveniences, or interferes with the use or enjoyment of property or activity. Interestingly, the legal definition of "nuisance" has also evolved over time, with different jurisdictions and legal systems applying varying definitions and standards to the term. In some cases, a nuisance may be mere inconvenience or annoyance, while in others, it may constitute a significant and actionable harm to property or personal rights. Regardless of its specific connotation, the word "nuisance" remains a common and useful term in everyday language, reflective of the wide-ranging and varied ways in which frustration, annoyance, and disruption can arise in our daily lives.


a thing, person or situation that is annoying or causes trouble or problems

một vật, người hoặc tình huống gây khó chịu hoặc gây rắc rối hoặc rắc rối

  • I don't want to be a nuisance so tell me if you want to be alone.

    Tôi không muốn làm phiền nên hãy nói với tôi nếu bạn muốn ở một mình.

  • I hope you're not making a nuisance of yourself.

    Tôi hy vọng bạn không gây phiền toái cho chính mình.

  • It's a nuisance having to go back tomorrow.

    Thật là phiền toái khi phải quay lại vào ngày mai.

  • What a nuisance!

    Thật là phiền toái!

Extra examples:
  • It's an awful nuisance having builders in the house all day.

    Thật là phiền toái khi có thợ xây ở nhà cả ngày.

  • This new system is nothing but a nuisance.

    Hệ thống mới này chẳng là gì ngoài một mối phiền toái.

behaviour by somebody that annoys other people and that a court can order the person to stop

hành vi của ai đó làm phiền người khác và tòa án có thể ra lệnh cho người đó dừng lại

  • He was charged with causing a public nuisance.

    Anh ta bị buộc tội gây phiền toái cho công chúng.