Definition of nationalist


người theo chủ nghĩa dân tộc


The word "nationalist" has its roots in the 18th century. It originated from the French word "nationaliste," which was formed by combining the Latin words "natio" (birth) and "ist" (pertaining to). Initially, the term referred to someone who advocated for the interests or sovereignty of their nation-state. The concept of nationalism emerged during the French Revolution, where it was used to describe the idea of French citizenship and the people's emphasis on their country's unique identity, culture, and language. The word "nationalist" was first used in English in the late 1700s and gained popularity during the 19th century as various countries began to form their own nation-states. Over time, the term "nationalist" has taken on diverse connotations, often being associated with a range of political beliefs and ideologies, from advocating for independence and sovereignty to promoting exclusive practices and prejudices against other nations or groups.


wanting your country to become independent

muốn đất nước mình được độc lập

  • the nationalist movement/party

    phong trào/đảng dân tộc chủ nghĩa

loving your country very much and being very proud of it; feeling that your country is better than any other

yêu đất nước của bạn rất nhiều và rất tự hào về nó; cảm thấy rằng đất nước của bạn tốt hơn bất kỳ đất nước nào khác

  • nationalist sentiments

    tình cảm dân tộc

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