Definition of narcotic


ma túy


The word "narcotic" originated from the Greek word "narkē", which means "numbness" or "stupor". In ancient Greece, the term "narkē" referred to the root of the poppy plant, Papaver somniferum, which was used to induce sleep and ease pain. The word "narcotic" was later adopted into Latin as "narcoticus", and was used to describe any substance that induced a state of numbness or unconsciousness. In the 16th century, the term "narcotic" was introduced into English and was initially used to describe opium and other drugs that produced a feeling of numbness or stupor. Over time, the meaning of the word expanded to include any drug that was used medically to produce a sedative or anesthetic effect, or illegally to produce a sense of euphoria or intoxication. Today, the term "narcotic" is still used to describe any substance that has a sedative or anesthetic effect on the body.


a powerful illegal drug that affects the mind in a harmful way. Heroin and cocaine are narcotics.

một loại thuốc bất hợp pháp mạnh mẽ ảnh hưởng đến tâm trí một cách có hại. Heroin và cocaine là ma túy.

  • a narcotics agent (= a police officer investigating the illegal trade in drugs)

    một đại lý ma túy (= một sĩ quan cảnh sát điều tra việc buôn bán trái phép ma túy)

Extra examples:
  • He has been arrested for trading in narcotics.

    Anh ta đã bị bắt vì buôn bán ma túy.

  • Narcotics trafficking represents 30 to 50 per cent of organized crime's take.

    Buôn bán ma túy chiếm 30 đến 50% số tiền mà tội phạm có tổ chức thu được.

  • The main reason people abuse illegal narcotics is so they may ‘escape’ from their harsh, cruel reality.

    Lý do chính khiến người ta lạm dụng ma túy bất hợp pháp là để họ có thể “thoát khỏi” thực tế khắc nghiệt, tàn khốc của mình.

a substance that relaxes you, reduces pain or makes you sleep

một chất làm bạn thư giãn, giảm đau hoặc làm bạn ngủ

  • a mild narcotic

    một chất gây nghiện nhẹ

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