Definition of myopia


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The word "myopia" originates from ancient Greek. It is derived from the words "muos" meaning "near" or "short" and "ops" meaning "eye". In Greek medicine, myopia referred to a condition where the eye is short-sighted, or unable to see distant objects clearly. The term was later adopted into Latin as "myopia", and from there it was translated into various languages including English. The concept of near-sightedness has been recognized for thousands of years, with ancient civilizations such as the Egyptians and Greeks describing the condition in their medical texts. However, the term "myopia" has been used consistently in medical literature since the 17th century. Today, myopia is a common refractive error, where the shape of the cornea or lens of the eye is not suitable for focusing on distant objects, requiring corrective glasses or contact lenses to correct.


the condition of being unable to see things clearly when they are far away

tình trạng không thể nhìn rõ mọi vật khi chúng ở xa

Related words and phrases

the state of being unable to see what the results of a particular action or decision will be; the failure to think about anything outside your own situation

trạng thái không thể thấy được kết quả của một hành động hoặc quyết định cụ thể sẽ như thế nào; không thể nghĩ về bất cứ điều gì ngoài hoàn cảnh của bạn

  • The cancellation of the popular show was a result of managerial myopia.

    Việc hủy bỏ chương trình phổ biến này là kết quả của sự thiển cận trong quản lý.

  • cultural myopia

    sự thiển cận về văn hóa