Definition of murmur


thì thầm


The word "murmur" has a rich history. It originated in the 14th century from the Old French word "murmer," which is derived from the Latin word "murmurare." This Latin verb means "to buzz or hum" and is likely imitative of the sound it describes. The earliest recorded use of the word "murmur" in English is from around 1380. In its early days, the word referred to a low, indistinct sound, often of insects or animals. Over time, the meaning expanded to include low, indistinct speech or conversation. Today, the word "murmur" is used to describe a range of sounds, from the gentle rustling of leaves to the soft whispering of crowd chatter. The word "murmur" has also taken on a range of metaphorical meanings, from describing a gentle, soothing sound to conveying a sense of discontent or dissatisfaction.


to say something in a soft quiet voice that is difficult to hear or understand

nói điều gì đó bằng một giọng nhẹ nhàng, êm dịu, khó nghe hoặc khó hiểu

  • She murmured her agreement.

    Cô lẩm bẩm đồng ý.

  • He murmured something in his sleep.

    Anh thì thầm điều gì đó trong giấc ngủ.

  • She was murmuring in his ear.

    Cô thì thầm vào tai anh.

  • He held her tight and murmured to her.

    Anh ôm cô thật chặt và thì thầm với cô.

  • ‘Night, night,’ she murmured sleepily.

    “Ngủ ngon, ngủ ngon,” cô thì thầm ngái ngủ.

  • She murmured that she loved me.

    Cô ấy thì thầm rằng cô ấy yêu tôi.

Extra examples:
  • ‘Mmm,' she murmured appreciatively.

    “Mmm,” cô thì thầm tán thưởng.

  • ‘What a fool I've been,' he murmured softly.

    “Tôi thật là một kẻ ngốc,” anh thì thầm nhẹ nhàng.

  • She heard him murmur something under his breath.

    Cô nghe thấy anh thì thầm điều gì đó dưới hơi thở.

to make a quiet continuous sound

để tạo ra một âm thanh liên tục yên tĩnh

  • The wind murmured in the trees.

    Gió thì thầm trên cây.

to complain about somebody/something, but not openly

phàn nàn về ai/cái gì, nhưng không một cách công khai

  • The people murmured against the new regime.

    Người dân thì thầm phản đối chế độ mới.

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