Definition of motto


châm ngôn


The word "motto" originated in the Middle Ages, around the 12th century in Scotland. It comes from the French word "mouton," which means lamb. The reason behind this word's origin is a bit obscure, but it's believed that it could have come from the practice of noble families adopting a lamb to represent their family crest or coat of arms. Lambs were seen as a symbol of innocence and purity, and the motto associated with the lamb would serve as a guiding principle or statement of values for the family. Over time, the meaning of motto evolved, and by the 15th century, it has come to mean a short phrase or statement that represents a person or organization's beliefs, values, or goals. It's believed that the use of mottos began to spread throughout Europe during this time, and they became a popular feature in heraldry, as well as in literature, philosophy, and politics. In heraldry, mottos typically appeared under the family crest or coat of arms, and they were often written in Latin or French. The motto served as a proud declaration of the family's values and principles, but it also served a practical purpose, as it could help identify different branches of the same family during battles or tournaments. As the use of mottos spread beyond heraldry, they became a way for individuals and organizations to express their values and beliefs in a concise and memorable manner. Today, mottos can be found on a variety of items, from business cards to book covers, and they continue to serve as a powerful symbol of a person or organization's values and principles.

  • The local high school's motto is "Empowering Minds, Building Character."

    Phương châm của trường trung học địa phương là "Trao quyền năng cho trí óc, xây dựng nhân cách".

  • The non-profit organization's motto is "Helping Hands for a Better Tomorrow."

    Phương châm của tổ chức phi lợi nhuận này là "Giúp đỡ vì một ngày mai tươi sáng hơn".

  • The company's motto is "Innovation through Collaboration."

    Phương châm của công ty là "Đổi mới thông qua hợp tác".

  • The community center's motto is "Promoting Healthy Living and Learning."

    Phương châm của trung tâm cộng đồng là "Thúc đẩy lối sống và học tập lành mạnh".

  • The charity's motto is "Changing Lives, Changing Futures."

    Phương châm của tổ chức từ thiện này là "Thay đổi cuộc sống, thay đổi tương lai".

  • The school's motto is "Quality Education for All."

    Phương châm của trường là "Giáo dục chất lượng cho tất cả mọi người".

  • The sports team's motto is "Winning with Heart."

    Phương châm của đội thể thao là "Chiến thắng bằng trái tim".

  • The university's motto is "Knowledge for a Better World."

    Phương châm của trường đại học là "Kiến thức cho một thế giới tốt đẹp hơn".

  • The club's motto is "United in Service and Friendship."

    Phương châm của câu lạc bộ là "Đoàn kết trong phục vụ và hữu nghị".

  • The foundation's motto is "Empowering Communities for a Brighter Future."

    Phương châm của quỹ là "Trao quyền cho cộng đồng vì một tương lai tươi sáng hơn".

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