Definition of mobilization


sự huy động


The word "mobilization" originated in the late 19th century when the need for large bodies of troops and resources to be quickly and efficiently mobilized for military operations became apparent. It is derived from the French word "mobiliser," which means to put into service or to make ready for action. The term was first used by the French army in the 1870s as a military strategy to mobilize reserves in times of war. The concept of mobilization rapidly spread to other areas beyond military contexts as it became apparent that it could also be applied to resource management, economic and industrial mobilization, and social mobilization. Today, the word "mobilization" is commonly used in various contexts, such as emergency response, political organizing, and business strategy, to refer to the process of assembling people, resources, and equipment in order to accomplish a specific objective.


preparations that bring together the people and weapons that will be needed in order for a country to fight a war

sự chuẩn bị tập hợp con người và vũ khí cần thiết để một quốc gia có thể tiến hành chiến tranh

  • At the peak of mobilization in September 1942, there were 157 000 in the armed services.

    Vào thời điểm cao điểm của đợt động viên vào tháng 9 năm 1942, có 157.000 người trong lực lượng vũ trang.

the act of bringing together the things that are needed for a particular purpose

hành động tập hợp những thứ cần thiết cho một mục đích cụ thể

  • the mobilization of funds for development activities

    việc huy động vốn cho các hoạt động phát triển