Definition of misogynistic


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The word "misogynistic" originated in the late 19th century and is derived from the Greek words "misos" (μισος), meaning hatred, and "gyne" (γυνη ), meaning woman. The term was first recorded in English in the early 20th century, and initially, it only referred to an extreme dislike or hatred of women, often seen in men. In its earliest usage, the term misogynist was mainly used to refer to men who actively hated or oppressed women. However, as feminist movements gained momentum, the term expanded to include any behavior, institution, or attitude that disregards, undervalues, or causes harm to women. Today, the term "misogynistic" is widely used in contemporary society to describe various forms of oppression, prejudice, or hostility against women. The origin of the word "misogynistic" highlights the history of unequal power dynamics between men and women, with males historically holding the dominant role in various societies. It also underlines the ongoing need to challenge and change the attitudes and behaviors that continue to oppress women in modern society.

  • The politician's misogynistic remarks towards female journalists during the press conference caused widespread outrage.
  • She struggled to fit in with the misogynistic culture of the all-male sports team, feeling ostracized and ignored.
  • The insults and put-downs directed at women by the misogynistic boss created a toxic atmosphere in the workplace.
  • The misogynistic content in the popular video game sparked controversy and led to protests from women's rights organizations.
  • The misogynistic comments made by the celebrity on social media have led to a backlash from fans and activists.
  • She felt misogynistic attitudes towards women affects every aspect of her life, from the workplace to her personal relationships.
  • The misogynistic behavior of the defendant in court was highlighted by the prosecutor as evidence of his guilt.
  • The misogynistic undertones in the drama series were criticized by viewers and reviewers alike.
  • The misogynistic attitudes of the character reflected the misogyny prevalent in society at the time.
  • The misogynistic motives of the suspect made the investigation more complex and challenging for the detectives.