Definition of millennium


thiên niên kỷ, 1.000 năm


Definition of undefined

The word "millennium" originates from the Latin "mille," meaning "thousand," and the suffix "-ennium," which is a poetic way to form a noun. The term was first used in the 5th century to describe the period of 1,000 years. In the Latin Vulgate translation of the Bible, the Book of Revelation mentions "a thousand years" (mille annos) during which Christ will reign on earth. Later, the term gained popularity during the Middle Ages, particularly in connection with the apocalyptic concept of a thousand-year reign of Christ. In the 19th century, the term gained a new connotation with the concept of a "new millennium" and the idea of a new era starting with the year 2000. Today, the term "millennium" is widely used to describe the period from January 1, 2000, to December 31, 9999, and the ideas, trends, and characteristics associated with it.


a period of 1 000 years, especially as calculated before or after the birth of Christ

khoảng thời gian 1 000 năm, đặc biệt được tính trước hoặc sau sự ra đời của Chúa Kitô

  • the second millennium AD

    thiên niên kỷ thứ hai sau Công nguyên

  • For millennia, it was accepted that the earth was at the centre of the universe.

    Trong nhiều thiên niên kỷ, người ta đã chấp nhận rằng trái đất là trung tâm của vũ trụ.

the time when one period of 1 000 years ends and another begins

thời điểm khi một giai đoạn 1 000 năm kết thúc và một giai đoạn khác bắt đầu

  • How did you celebrate the millennium?

    Bạn đã ăn mừng thiên niên kỷ như thế nào?