Definition of midnight


nửa đêm, 12h đêm


Definition of undefined

The word "midnight" originated from the Old English words "midden" meaning "middle" and "niht" meaning "night". In Middle English, the phrase "mid niht" was used to describe the moment when the clock struck 12, marking the middle of the night. Over time, the phrase was shortened to "midnight", which has been used in English since the 14th century. In ancient times, the concept of dividing the day and night into 12 equal periods dates back to ancient Babylon and Egypt. The Babylonians divided the 24-hour clock into 12 double hours, with midnight being the middle of the night. The modern definition of midnight as the moment when the clock strikes 12, marking the transition from one day to the next, was established in the 16th century with the widespread use of mechanical clocks.


12 o’clock at night

12 giờ đêm

  • She heard the clock strike midnight.

    Cô nghe thấy đồng hồ điểm nửa đêm.

  • They had to leave at midnight.

    Họ phải rời đi lúc nửa đêm.

  • At/on the stroke of midnight fireworks lit up the sky.

    Vào lúc nửa đêm pháo hoa thắp sáng bầu trời.

  • We have to catch the midnight train.

    Chúng ta phải bắt chuyến tàu lúc nửa đêm.

  • Let’s have a midnight feast tonight (= a secret meal that children like to have in the middle of the night).

    Hãy tổ chức một bữa tiệc nửa đêm tối nay (= một bữa ăn bí mật mà trẻ em thích ăn vào lúc nửa đêm).

  • They whiled away the midnight hours playing cards.

    Họ dành thời gian chơi bài suốt nửa đêm.

Extra examples:
  • Downstairs in the hall, midnight struck.

    Ở tầng dưới trong hội trường, nửa đêm đã điểm.

  • It was approaching midnight when I finally reached home.

    Đã gần nửa đêm khi tôi cuối cùng cũng về đến nhà.

  • The law comes into effect on the stroke of midnight tomorrow.

    Luật này có hiệu lực vào lúc nửa đêm ngày mai.

  • The ship set sail shortly after midnight.

    Con tàu khởi hành ngay sau nửa đêm.

  • Let's go to a midnight movie.

    Chúng ta hãy đi xem phim lúc nửa đêm.

  • Voting closes at midnight.

    Việc bỏ phiếu kết thúc vào lúc nửa đêm.

a very dark blue colour

một màu xanh rất đậm


burn the midnight oil
to study or work until late at night
do a (moonlight/midnight) flit
(British English, informal)to leave a place suddenly and secretly, especially at night, usually in order to avoid paying money that you owe to somebody