Definition of medley


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The word "medley" originated in the English language during the 16th century. It comes from the French word "mèlée," which means "a confused mixture" or "a chaotic mixture." In the 16th century, "mèlée" was borrowed into Middle English, and it appeared in literature with various spellings such as "mylerey," "milleray," and "mellaray." The word "medley" first appeared in English texts in the late 1500s with the meaning "a mixed or confused mass." It was derived from the Middle English word "mellaray," which was a variation of the French "mèlée." The term "medley" was commonly used in literature during the Renaissance era to describe a mixed variety of objects, people, or events. It often had a negative connotation, implying a lack of order, harmony, or cohesion. In the 17th century, it started to be used to describe a variety of musical pieces played in quick succession, particularly dances or songs with contrasting styles. Today, the meaning of "medley" has broadened to include any combination of diverse elements that create a harmonious whole. However, it still maintains its original connotation as a mixed and contrasting variety. In summary, the term "medley" originated in the 16th century as a French loanword meaning "a mixed or confused mass." It has evolved over time to encompass a variety of meanings, but its original connotation of a chaotic assortment of elements remains a part of its contemporary definition.


a piece of music consisting of several songs or tunes played or sung one after the other

một bản nhạc bao gồm nhiều bài hát hoặc giai điệu được chơi hoặc hát lần lượt

  • a medley of Beatles hits

    một liên khúc các bản hit của Beatles

a mixture of people or things of different kinds

một hỗn hợp của người hoặc những thứ thuộc loại khác nhau

  • a medley of flavours/smells

    sự pha trộn của hương vị/mùi

  • The building was a medley of styles from different periods.

    Tòa nhà là sự kết hợp của nhiều phong cách từ các thời kỳ khác nhau.

a swimming race in which swimmers use a different stroke (= style of swimming) for each section of the race, either individually or in teams

một cuộc đua bơi trong đó người bơi sử dụng một kiểu bơi khác nhau (= kiểu bơi) cho mỗi phần của cuộc đua, cá nhân hoặc theo đội

  • the 4 × 100 metres medley

    hỗn hợp 4 × 100 mét

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