Definition of measuring cup

measuring cupnoun

cốc đong

/ˈmeʒərɪŋ kʌp//ˈmeʒərɪŋ kʌp/

The origin of the phrase "measuring cup" can be traced back to the early 20th century. The term originally referred to a vessel that was used to accurately measure and dispense liquids, commonly in the context of cooking or baking. Before the widespread use of measuring cups, people would often rely on arbitrary units of measurement, such as "a couple of cups" or "a few glugs," to estimate the correct amount of liquid needed for a recipe. These methods were imprecise and could result in dishes that were either under- or over-seasoned, leading to unsatisfying results. In response to this issue, manufacturers began producing measuring cups as a more accurate and reliable way to measure out liquids for cooking and baking purposes. These cups were designed with clearly marked measurements on the side, allowing users to accurately measure quantities ranging from a single fluid ounce to multiple cups at once. Over time, measuring cups have become a standard tool in most kitchens, and their use has helped to ensure that recipes can be replicated accurately and consistently, regardless of the cook's level of experience or precision in measuring ingredients. Overall, measuring cups have revolutionized the cooking and baking experience by introducing a higher standard of accuracy and repeatability, making it easier for people to achieve perfect results every time.

  • I need to use a measuring cup to accurately pour one cup of milk for the recipe.

    Tôi cần sử dụng cốc đong để rót chính xác một cốc sữa cho công thức này.

  • The cake batter called for 2 cups of sugar, and I made sure to measure it out precisely with my measuring cup.

    Bột bánh cần 2 cốc đường và tôi đảm bảo đong chính xác bằng cốc đong.

  • I'm mixing together 3 cups of flour, 2 cups of water, and 1 cup of oil in a large bowl, using my measuring cup to ensure the right ratios.

    Tôi trộn đều 3 cốc bột mì, 2 cốc nước và 1 cốc dầu trong một cái bát lớn, sử dụng cốc đong để đảm bảo tỷ lệ chính xác.

  • For this soup recipe, I'm measuring out 6 cups of broth and letting it simmer until reduced by half.

    Với công thức nấu súp này, tôi sẽ đong 6 cốc nước dùng và đun nhỏ lửa cho đến khi nước cạn còn một nửa.

  • I'm measuring out half a cup of olive oil in the measuring cup for the salad dressing, and then adding vinegar and salt to taste.

    Tôi đong nửa cốc dầu ô liu vào cốc đong để làm nước sốt trộn salad, sau đó thêm giấm và muối cho vừa ăn.

  • I always measure out my coffee grounds with a measuring cup, to ensure the perfect strength for my morning brew.

    Tôi luôn đong bã cà phê bằng cốc đong để đảm bảo độ đậm đặc hoàn hảo cho tách cà phê buổi sáng của mình.

  • The recipe calls for 1 tablespoon of oil, so I'm carefully measuring it out with my measuring cup to make sure I don't add too much.

    Công thức này yêu cầu 1 thìa canh dầu, vì vậy tôi phải cẩn thận đong dầu bằng cốc đong để đảm bảo không cho quá nhiều.

  • I'm measuring out 4 cups of sugar for the frosting, making sure to pack it down in the measuring cup to avoid any wasted sugar.

    Tôi đong 4 cốc đường để làm lớp phủ, đảm bảo đổ đầy đường vào cốc đong để tránh lãng phí đường.

  • The recipe calls for 1 1/2 cups of breadcrumbs, so I'm using my measuring cup to ensure I don't accidentally pack down too much or not enough.

    Công thức này yêu cầu 1 1/2 cốc vụn bánh mì, vì vậy tôi sử dụng cốc đong để đảm bảo không vô tình lấy quá nhiều hoặc không đủ.

  • I'm measuring out exactly cups of chicken broth for the risotto, and keeping a close eye on the pot to make sure it doesn't boil over.

    Tôi đong chính xác số cốc nước dùng gà cho món risotto và chú ý theo dõi nồi nước để đảm bảo nước không tràn ra ngoài.