Definition of meaningfully


có ý nghĩa


"Meaningfully" comes from the Old English word "mænan," meaning "to think, intend, or signify." This evolved into "mean" in Middle English, then into "meaning" in the late 16th century. The "-ly" suffix, indicating a manner or quality, was added to "meaning" in the 17th century, forming "meaningfully." Therefore, "meaningfully" essentially means "in a way that has meaning or significance," highlighting the importance of intention and understanding in communication.


in a serious and important way

một cách nghiêm túc và quan trọng

  • to participate meaningfully in a debate

    tham gia một cách có ý nghĩa vào một cuộc tranh luận

in a way that is intended to communicate or express something to somebody, without any words being spoken

theo cách nhằm mục đích giao tiếp hoặc bày tỏ điều gì đó với ai đó mà không cần nói ra bất kỳ lời nào

  • to glare/glance/stare meaningfully at somebody

    trừng mắt/nhìn/nhìn chằm chằm vào ai đó một cách đầy ý nghĩa


somebody’s heart misses/skips a beat
used to say that somebody has a sudden feeling of fear, excitement, etc.
  • My heart missed a beat when I saw who it was.
  • jump/skip bail
    to fail to appear at your trial after you have paid money to be allowed to go free until the trial
  • He skipped bail and went on the run for two weeks.
  • skip it
    (informal)used to tell somebody rudely that you do not want to talk about something or repeat what you have said
  • ‘What were you saying?’ ‘Oh, skip it!’