Definition of masturbation


thủ dâm


The origin of the word "masturbation" can be traced back to the 18th century, when the term was first introduced into medical literature by the German physician and sexual reformer, Johann Joachimback. Back coined the term to describe the practice of self-stimulation for sexual pleasure in his 1752 manuscript, "Onania, or the Heinous Sin of Self-pollution, and all its Frightful Consequences, in Both Sexes, Considered, with Spiritual and Physical Advice for Serving as Firm Preventions". The Greek word "mastos" which translates to breast, is the root of the term. Back intended the word to describe sexual activity involving masturbation, which many people at the time believed could lead to the wasting of semen, a condition known as "self-pollution". He hoped that the new term would discourage people from engaging in such behavior by emphasizing the perceived negative consequences. Over time, the meaning and use of the word "masturbation" has evolved. While it is still often associated with negative connotations, including shame and embarrassment, sex researchers and educators in the modern era have worked to destigmatize the practice as a safe and healthy form of sexual expression for individuals. The term is now commonly used and accepted in medical and sexological literature, and has even been incorporated into popular culture and slang.


the act of giving yourself sexual pleasure by rubbing your sexual organs

hành động tự tạo khoái cảm tình dục cho bản thân bằng cách cọ xát cơ quan sinh dục

the act of giving another person sexual pleasure by rubbing their sexual organs

hành động mang lại khoái cảm tình dục cho người khác bằng cách cọ xát cơ quan sinh dục của họ