Definition of mast


cột buồm


The word "mast" has a long and interesting history. It originated in the Middle English period, around the 13th century, and is derived from the Old English word "mæst", which means "main tree" or "trunk". This term was initially used to refer to the main support or beam of a ship, particularly the vertical pole or tree-like structure that supported the sails. Over time, the word "mast" came to also refer to the trunk or stem of a tree, as well as the mast of a windmill. The term has also been used metaphorically to describe the central or main part of something, such as the mast of a society or organization. Today, the word "mast" is still used in various contexts, including nautical and metaphorical contexts, to refer to the main or central element of something.


a tall pole on a boat or ship that supports the sails

một cây cột cao trên thuyền hoặc tàu hỗ trợ cánh buồm

a tall metal tower with an aerial that sends and receives radio, television or phone signals

một tháp kim loại cao có ăng-ten gửi và nhận tín hiệu radio, truyền hình hoặc điện thoại

Related words and phrases

a tall pole that is used for holding a flag

một cái cột cao dùng để treo cờ


nail your colours to the mast
(especially British English)to say publicly and clearly what you believe or who you support