Definition of manual


thủ công


The word "manual" derives from the Latin word "manuālis," which means "of the hand" or "handled." The Latin term originated from the Latin word "manū," which means "hand." In the medieval times, the term "manual" came to mean a written document that provided step-by-step instructions or guidance for performing a task or operating a device, such as a machine or instrument. These handwritten documents, known as manuscripts, were essential tools for learning or teaching various skills. As printing technology became more advanced in the 15th century, manuals began to be produced in larger quantities, and printed manuals soon became a common instructional resource. Today, manuals continue to serve as practical guides for operating mechanical devices, machines, and electronic equipment, as well as for learning new skills and techniques. The term "manual" remains an important part of our technological and educational lexicon, helping us to manage a wide range of tasks and activities with greater ease and efficiency.


involving using the hands or physical strength

liên quan đến việc sử dụng bàn tay hoặc sức mạnh thể chất

  • manual labour/jobs/skills

    lao động chân tay/công việc/kỹ năng

  • manual and non-manual workers

    người lao động chân tay và không chân tay

operated or controlled by hand rather than by machine or using electricity, etc.

được vận hành hoặc điều khiển bằng tay chứ không phải bằng máy hoặc dùng điện, v.v.

  • a manual gearbox

    hộp số tay

  • My camera has manual and automatic functions.

    Máy ảnh của tôi có chức năng thủ công và tự động.

  • The company has now transferred all its manual records onto computer.

    Công ty hiện đã chuyển toàn bộ hồ sơ thủ công vào máy tính.

connected with using the hands

liên quan đến việc sử dụng bàn tay

  • manual dexterity

    sự khéo léo của đôi tay

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