Definition of mandated


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The word "mandated" originates from the Latin word "mandare," which means "to order" or "to command." This Latin verb is derived from the phrase "manu dare," which literally means "to give by hand." In English, the verb "mandate" has been used since the 15th century to mean "to require or demand by order or authority." Over time, the adjective "mandated" emerged to describe something that is required, specified, or imposed by a law, regulation, or authority. In modern usage, "mandated" is often used to describe a requirement or duty that is legally or officially imposed, such as a government-mandated program or a court-mandated sentence.


placed under the rule of another country

đặt dưới sự cai trị của một quốc gia khác

  • mandated territories

    lãnh thổ được ủy quyền

required by law

theo yêu cầu của luật pháp

  • a mandated curriculum

    một chương trình giảng dạy bắt buộc

having a mandate to do something

có nhiệm vụ phải làm gì đó

  • a mandated government

    một chính phủ được ủy quyền

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