Definition of managing director

managing directornoun

giám đốc điều hành

Definition of undefined

The term "Managing Director" originated in the 19th century, likely during the rise of large corporations and joint-stock companies. It evolved from the earlier term "Director General," which was used to denote the highest-ranking officer in a company. The "Managing" component emphasizes the individual's responsibilities in overseeing day-to-day operations, while "Director" signifies their authority and role in guiding the company's overall strategy and direction.


the person who is in overall charge of the running of an organization or business

người chịu trách nhiệm chung về việc điều hành một tổ chức hoặc doanh nghiệp

  • he is the managing director of an engineering firm

    anh ấy là giám đốc điều hành của một công ty kỹ thuật