Definition of maize




The word "maize" is used to describe a type of cereal crop that is commonly known as corn in many parts of the world. The origin of the term "maize" can be traced back to the Old World, where it was introduced by Spanish conquerors in the 16th century. In the native languages of the Americas, where corn was first cultivated, the crop had many different names. For example, in Nahuatl, the language spoken by the Aztecs, corn was called "achintli," which translates to "that which nourishes man." When the Spanish arrived in the New World, they encountered the crop and brought it back to Europe and other parts of the world. However, they needed a new name for it, as the existing words for cereals (such as "wheat" and "barley") did not accurately describe the new crop. The Spanish term for corn was "maíz," which is derived from the Taíno word "mahiz," meaning "what is worth," emphasizing the importance and value of the crop. This word was quickly adopted by the English language, where it became "maize." Today, the word "maize" is primarily used in scientific and agricultural contexts, while "corn" is more commonly used in everyday language. But regardless of the term, there is no denying the significance and importance of this versatile crop in the diets and economies of people around the world.


a tall plant grown for its large yellow grains that are used for making flour or eaten as a vegetable; the grains of this plant

một loại cây cao được trồng để lấy hạt lớn màu vàng, dùng làm bột hoặc ăn như rau; hạt của cây này

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a type of corn (maize) with large brown and yellow grains, not usually eaten but sometimes used to make decorations, for example at Thanksgiving

một loại ngô (ngô) có hạt lớn màu nâu và vàng, thường không được ăn nhưng đôi khi được dùng để làm đồ trang trí, ví dụ như trong Lễ tạ ơn

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