Definition of mackerel


cá thu


The origin of the word "mackerel" for the fish we know today is a matter of debate, but the most widely accepted theory comes from Old English and Scandinavian words. In Old English, the word for mackerel was "maccargvyrl," which meant "a species of fish with large scales." The Old Norse word for the fish was "makarhl," which also referred to large-scaled fish. It is thought that the Vikings and Anglo-Saxons who settled in England and Scotland adopted these words for the fish they encountered. Over time, the word "mackerel" evolved, likely due to language vowel shifts. For example, the Old English "g" sound evolved into "c" in Middle English. By the 14th century, the word "makarel" was documented, which became "makrerl" in the 15th century. By the late 16th century, the word "mackerel" was in common use to refer to the fish we know today. It's interesting to note that some Native American tribes also have names for mackerel in their languages, possibly indicating that the fish migrated to North America before contact with Europeans. While these words might not seem related to Old English or Scandinavian terms, it's possible that the fish were given similar names based on their distinctive characteristics, such as their shape, color, or behavior. So, in short, the origin of the word "mackerel" likely lies in the Old English and Old Norse words for 'large-scaled fish,' which evolved over time due to changes in pronunciation and linguistic convergence.

  • The fisherman reeled in a large mackerel, its scales glittering in the sun.

    Người đánh cá kéo một con cá thu lớn, vảy của nó lấp lánh dưới ánh mặt trời.

  • Mackerel is a common catch for anglers fishing along the coast.

    Cá thu là loại cá thường được những người câu cá dọc bờ biển đánh bắt.

  • The chef perfectly seared the mackerel, allowing its delicate flavor to shine through.

    Đầu bếp đã áp chảo cá thu một cách hoàn hảo, để hương vị tinh tế của nó tỏa sáng.

  • The lunch menu at the seafood restaurant featured marinated mackerel served with a side of rice and vegetables.

    Thực đơn bữa trưa tại nhà hàng hải sản có món cá thu ướp ăn kèm với cơm và rau.

  • Mackerel is a nutritious source of protein, rich in omega-3 fatty acids.

    Cá thu là nguồn cung cấp protein bổ dưỡng, giàu axit béo omega-3.

  • The fishmonger had a fresh shipment of mackerel, and the scent wafted through the air as soon as you entered the store.

    Người bán cá có một lô cá thu tươi, mùi thơm thoang thoảng trong không khí ngay khi bạn bước vào cửa hàng.

  • The fisherwoman landed a trio of mackerel, which she cleaned and packed with ice for the journey home.

    Người đánh cá đã bắt được ba con cá thu, cô đã làm sạch và đóng gói chúng bằng đá để mang về nhà.

  • Mackerel is one of the most popular species of fish for sport fishing, due to its size and fight.

    Cá thu là một trong những loài cá phổ biến nhất trong câu cá thể thao vì kích thước và khả năng chiến đấu của nó.

  • The sushi chef prepared a colorful spread of nigiri, featuring mackerel, salmon, and tuna.

    Đầu bếp sushi đã chuẩn bị một đĩa nigiri đầy màu sắc, gồm cá thu, cá hồi và cá ngừ.

  • Mackerel is a versatile fish, delicious when grilled, fried, or poached.

    Cá thu là một loại cá đa dụng, ngon khi nướng, chiên hoặc luộc.

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