Definition of loom


hiện ra dệt


The word "loom" originated from the Old Norse word "hlōmR," which means "something that rises or grows." In the context of weaving, the word 'loom' referred to a raised wooden frame with a series of vertical and horizontal threads from which yarn could be woven into fabric. The exact origin of the Old Norse word 'hlōmR' is not entirely clear, but it's believed that the word derived from the Proto-Germanic root word 'hlumuz,' which meant 'growth' and 'to grow.' The Old Norse word then evolved into Old English 'hlām,' which was used to describe a raised wooden structure for weaving, and later into Middle English 'lome' or 'loome.' The word 'loom' has had different meanings over time. In addition to referring to a weaving frame, it has also been used to describe something that appears to grow or become visible slowly, such as waves rising from the sea or a thick mist clearing. In the nineteenth century, it was also used figuratively to describe things that appeared to be "looming" or growing menacingly in size or importance. In modern times, the word 'loom' is most commonly associated with the weaving industry, where it is used to describe the equipment used to weave yarn into fabric, as well as the process of weaving itself. The word has also been used in fashion, where 'loomstate' fabrics refer to fabric that has not been finished or washed, allowing designers to shape and dye the fabric before it is woven into a final product. Overall, the word 'loom' has a rich and fascinating history, spanning back over a thousand years, and remains an integral part of the weaving and textile industries today.


to appear as a large shape that is not clear, especially in a frightening way

xuất hiện dưới dạng một hình dạng lớn không rõ ràng, đặc biệt là một cách đáng sợ

  • A dark shape loomed up ahead of us.

    Một bóng đen hiện ra trước mắt chúng tôi.

Extra examples:
  • Ghostly shapes loomed out of the fog in front of him.

    Những hình thù ma quái lờ mờ hiện ra từ màn sương mù trước mặt anh.

  • He loomed above her.

    Anh lờ mờ phía trên cô.

  • The tower loomed over the city.

    Tòa tháp sừng sững trên thành phố.

  • A figure loomed in the doorway.

    Một bóng người hiện ra ở ngưỡng cửa.

  • Dizzying walls of rock loomed on either side of them.

    Những bức tường đá chói lóa hiện ra lờ mờ ở hai bên họ.

  • Something huge and black loomed out of the mist.

    Một cái gì đó to lớn và màu đen hiện ra từ màn sương.

to appear serious and likely to happen soon

có vẻ nghiêm trọng và có khả năng xảy ra sớm

  • There was a crisis looming.

    Có một cuộc khủng hoảng đang rình rập.

Extra examples:
  • A new threat is now looming on the horizon.

    Một mối đe dọa mới hiện đang xuất hiện ở phía chân trời.

  • Further problems loomed ahead of us.

    Những vấn đề tiếp theo hiện ra trước mắt chúng tôi.

  • The day of the election loomed ever closer.

    Ngày bầu cử đã đến gần hơn bao giờ hết.

Related words and phrases


loom large
to be frightening and make you worried because something seems hard to avoid
  • The prospect of war loomed large.
  • The issue looms large in political campaigns nationwide.