Definition of literacy


trình độ học vấn


The term "literacy" first appeared in the English language in the late 18th century. It originated from the Latin word "literatus," meaning "learner" or "literate," which itself derived from the Latin word "littera," meaning "letter" or "character." In its original context, the term "literacy" referred specifically to the ability to read and write in Latin, the language of learning and scholarship at the time. This was a necessary skill for anyone seeking to advance in education or pursue a career in the church, law, or medicine. As education shifted from religious instruction to secular learning during the Enlightenment, the meaning of literacy broadened to include the ability to read and write in any language, not just Latin. In the 19th and early 20th centuries, the concept of literacy became increasingly associated with basic skills in reading, writing, and numeracy, as part of a broader movement to improve education and promote social and economic development. Today, literacy is recognized as a critical component of individual and societal success, with access to education and opportunities for lifelong learning considered fundamental human rights. The evolution of the term reflects the changing nature of literacy, from a narrow focus on Latin literacy to a broader recognition of the importance of literacy across all languages and cultures.


the ability to read and write

khả năng đọc và viết

  • a campaign to promote adult literacy

    một chiến dịch khuyến khích người lớn biết đọc biết viết

  • basic literacy skills

    kỹ năng đọc viết cơ bản

  • Most of the students here need help with literacy and numeracy.

    Hầu hết học sinh ở đây cần được giúp đỡ về đọc viết và tính toán.

Extra examples:
  • All the children are tested in basic literacy.

    Tất cả trẻ em đều được kiểm tra khả năng đọc viết cơ bản.

  • Literacy rates are lower among people from the poorer income groups.

    Tỷ lệ biết chữ thấp hơn ở những người thuộc nhóm thu nhập thấp hơn.

  • Standards of literacy are slowly rising in the 5–8 age group.

    Tiêu chuẩn về khả năng đọc viết đang tăng dần ở nhóm tuổi 5–8.

Related words and phrases

knowledge or skills in a specific area

kiến thức hoặc kỹ năng trong một lĩnh vực cụ thể

  • financial/health literacy

    hiểu biết về tài chính/sức khỏe

  • We’re looking to hire an assistant with a high level of digital literacy.

    Chúng tôi đang tìm kiếm một trợ lý có trình độ kỹ thuật số cao.

Related words and phrases

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