Definition of linguist


nhà ngôn ngữ học


The word "linguist" originates from the Latin language. In Latin, the word "lingua" means "tongue" or "language", and the suffix "-ist" is a suffix used to form nouns that indicate a person who practices or studies a specific art, science, or craft. The word "linguist" itself likely emerged in the 16th century, when Western scholars began to study and analyze languages other than Latin. The term referred to an individual who specialized in the study of languages, particularly those that were considered exotic or foreign. Over time, the meaning of the word "linguist" has expanded to encompass not only language studies but also translation, interpretation, and language teaching. Today, the term is used to describe anyone who is involved in the study, teaching, or application of languages, including native speakers and experts in specific languages or language families.


a person who knows several foreign languages well

một người biết nhiều ngoại ngữ tốt

  • She's an excellent linguist.

    Cô ấy là một nhà ngôn ngữ học xuất sắc.

  • I'm afraid I'm no linguist (= I find foreign languages difficult).

    Tôi e rằng tôi không phải là nhà ngôn ngữ học (= Tôi thấy học ngoại ngữ khó).

a person who studies languages or linguistics

một người nghiên cứu ngôn ngữ hoặc ngôn ngữ học

  • a computational linguist

    một nhà ngôn ngữ học tính toán