Definition of lingo


tiếng lóng


The word "lingo" has a fascinating history. It originated in the 17th century, derived from the Latin "lingua," meaning "tongue" or "language." Initially, "lingo" referred to a person's native language or a specific dialect. However, in the 18th century, it took on a new meaning, denoting a specialized terminology or jargon used by a particular group or profession. In the late 19th century, the term "lingo" gained popularity in Australia and New Zealand, where it described the local slang and colloquialisms used by the native population. Today, "lingo" can refer to any specialized language or dialect, whether it's a technical term, a coding language, or even a brand-specific vocabulary. So, the next time you hear someone say "I don't speak lingo," you'll know they're not just talking about a language barrier!


a language, especially a foreign language

một ngôn ngữ, đặc biệt là một ngôn ngữ nước ngoài

  • He doesn't speak the lingo.

    Anh ấy không nói được tiếng lóng.

expressions used by a particular group of people

những biểu hiện được sử dụng bởi một nhóm người cụ thể

  • baseball lingo

    thuật ngữ bóng chày

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