Definition of likewise


Tương tự như vậy


The origin of the word "likewise" can be traced back to the Middle English language, where it was spelled "lichweise" or "lykweys." At that time, it was a combination of two Old English words - "líc," which means "similar" or "same," and "wes," which means "way" or "manner." The term was used to emphasize the similarity or parallelism between two things or actions. In Old English texts, it was sometimes spelled as "licwes" or "licwys," with the "y" added to indicate the vowel sound between two consonants. Over time, the spelling of the word evolved, with the "wes" part being shortened to "wise" in Middle English, and ultimately dropping the "c' and the diagnostic "y" in modern English. The current spelling of "likewise" reflects its contraction, with the "i" sound in the original "líc" (pronounced as "igh") and the "-wise" ending combining to form the shorter and simpler word we use today. Overall, the evolution of "likewise" from its Old English roots illustrates the way in which English words can change over time due to spelling conventions and linguistic transformations.


the same; in a similar way

giống nhau; theo cách tương tự

  • He voted for the change and he expected his colleagues to do likewise.

    Anh ấy đã bỏ phiếu cho sự thay đổi và anh ấy mong đợi các đồng nghiệp của mình cũng làm như vậy.


Mà còn

  • Her second marriage was likewise unhappy.

    Cuộc hôn nhân thứ hai của cô cũng không hạnh phúc.

used to show that you feel the same towards somebody or about something

được sử dụng để cho thấy rằng bạn cũng cảm thấy như vậy đối với ai đó hoặc về một cái gì đó

  • ‘Let me know if you ever need any help.’ ‘Likewise.’

    “Hãy cho tôi biết nếu bạn cần bất kỳ sự giúp đỡ nào.” “Tương tự như vậy.”