Definition of lightning


chớp, sấm chớp


Definition of undefined

The word "lightning" has its roots in Old English. The earliest recorded use of the word is in the 8th century poem "Beowulf," where it is written as "lēohtning." This is derived from the Old English words "lēoht," meaning "light," and "ning," meaning "stroke" or "blow." Over time, the word evolved to "lightning" in Middle English, and its modern spelling and meaning have remained largely unchanged. It's worth noting that the word "lightning" is often used to describe both the electrical discharge that we see in the sky as well as the brief flash of light that accompanies it. This dual meaning is thought to have arisen from the fact that ancient people would often see the flash of light before the sound of thunder, leading them to associate the two phenomena. Today, we understand the scientific explanation for lightning, but the word remains a reminder of the awe-inspiring power of nature.

  • Lightning lit up the sky as the storm approached.

    Những tia chớp sáng rực bầu trời khi cơn bão đang tiến tới.

  • In an instant, a bolt of lightning struck the tree, illuminating the entire area.

    Ngay lập tức, một tia sét đánh trúng vào cây, làm sáng rực cả khu vực.

  • The sound of thunder shook the windows as the lightning flashed outside.

    Tiếng sấm rung chuyển cửa sổ khi tia chớp lóe sáng bên ngoài.

  • During the summer storm, the lightning danced across the sky, creating a dazzling display of light and electricity.

    Trong cơn bão mùa hè, những tia sét nhảy múa trên bầu trời, tạo nên màn trình diễn ánh sáng và điện rực rỡ.

  • The light of the lightning illuminated the scared faces of the hikers hiding under a rock overhang.

    Ánh sáng của tia sét chiếu sáng những khuôn mặt sợ hãi của những người đi bộ đường dài đang ẩn núp dưới mỏm đá.

  • The bolt of lightning seemed to split the sky in two, lighting up the landscape like day.

    Tia sét như muốn xé bầu trời ra làm đôi, làm sáng bừng cả quang cảnh như ban ngày.

  • The electric charge of the lightning crackled through the air, sending shivers down one's spine.

    Điện tích của tia sét lan truyền trong không khí, khiến người ta rùng mình.

  • After the rainstorm, the air was filled with the scent of fresh earth and the distant memory of violent lightning strikes.

    Sau cơn mưa rào, không khí tràn ngập mùi đất tươi và ký ức xa xăm về những tia sét dữ dội.

  • The lightning struck so close that the hair on the back of one's neck stood up, sending a shiver down the spine.

    Tia sét đánh gần đến mức khiến tóc gáy dựng đứng, khiến người ta rùng mình.

  • The lightning lit up the path for the lost hiker, guiding them back to safety.

    Tia sét soi sáng con đường cho người đi bộ bị lạc, dẫn họ trở về nơi an toàn.


lightning never strikes (in the same place) twice
(saying)an unusual or unpleasant event is not likely to happen in the same place or to the same people twice
like (greased) lightning
very fast
  • He leapt out of the car like lightning.
  • He jumped out of the car like greased lightning.