Definition of lifesaver


phao cứu sinh


The term "lifesaver" originated in the late 1800s, primarily referring to a person who saves another's life, like a rescuer from drowning or a hero in a disaster. However, the word also adopted a dual meaning around the same time: a type of candy. The first lifesaver candies, introduced in 1884, were intended as a convenient and refreshing alternative to hard candies, and were promoted as a "lifesaver" for their ability to refresh and soothe a dry throat. Both meanings have endured, making "lifesaver" a versatile term describing both acts of heroism and a beloved candy.


a thing that helps somebody in a difficult situation; something that saves somebody’s life

một điều giúp đỡ ai đó trong hoàn cảnh khó khăn; cái gì đó cứu mạng ai đó

  • The new drug is a potential lifesaver.

    Loại thuốc mới này là một cứu cánh tiềm năng.

a person who is employed at a beach or a swimming pool to rescue people who are in danger in the water

người làm việc ở bãi biển hoặc bể bơi để cứu những người gặp nguy hiểm dưới nước

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