Definition of lava


dung nham


The word "lava" originated from the name of the Roman god of the underworld, Vulcano or Vulcan, known for his fiery exploits. The Latin word "lava" is derived from Vulcano's fiery flames and molten rock, which was thought to be a manifestation of his power. The term "lava" was first used in English in the 16th century to describe the molten rock that flowed from volcanoes. Over time, the term "lava" has been used not only to describe the molten rock but also the process of volcanic eruption and the resulting volcanic Genesis. Today, the word "lava" is widely used in geology, volcanology, and popular culture, often evoking associations with fiery, primal forces of nature.


hot liquid rock that comes out of a volcano

đá lỏng nóng chảy ra từ núi lửa

  • molten lava

    dung nham nóng chảy

this type of rock when it has cooled and become hard

loại đá này khi đã nguội và trở nên cứng

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