Definition of laurel


Vòng nguyệt quế


The word "laurel" originates from the ancient Greek language, specifically from the Greek word "daphne", which means "laurel tree". In Greek mythology, Daphne was a nymph who was pursued by the god of love, Apollo. In order to escape his advances, Daphne prayed to the gods to be transformed, and they answered her request by turning her into a laurel tree. Apollo was so enamoured by Daphne's beauty that he made the laurel wreath, which was woven from the leaves of the laurel tree, into a symbol of triumph and honour. The Latin word for laurel is "laurus", and it is from this Latin word that the English word "laurel" is derived. Today, the laurel tree and its wreath continue to hold symbolic meaning in both mythology and popular culture as a symbol of achievement, success, and victory.


a bush or tree with dark, smooth, shiny leaves that remain on the bush and stay green through the year

một bụi cây hoặc cây có lá sẫm màu, nhẵn, sáng bóng, vẫn còn trên bụi cây và xanh quanh năm

  • a laurel hedge

    hàng rào nguyệt quế

honour and praise given to somebody because of something that they have achieved

vinh dự và khen ngợi dành cho ai đó vì điều gì đó mà họ đã đạt được

  • She won laurels for her first novel.

    Cô đã giành được giải thưởng cho cuốn tiểu thuyết đầu tiên của mình.

Related words and phrases


look to your laurels
to be careful that you do not lose the success or advantage that you have over other people
  • With so many good new actors around the older ones are having to look to their laurels.
  • rest/sit on your laurels
    (usually disapproving)to feel so satisfied with what you have already achieved that you do not try to do any more