Definition of lately


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The word "lately" derives from the Old English word "litel" meaning "little" or "fewn." In Middle English, this word changed to "litely" and took on the meaning of "fairly recently" or "not long ago." The -ly suffix, which is still present in the word today, was added to indicate time or manner. Over time, the pronunciation and spelling of the word evolved. In early Modern English, "litely" was spelled "lately" and pronounced "latley." This spelling was influenced by Old French, which used the word "largement" to mean "recently" or "lately." The -ly ending of the French word may have contributed to the use of -ly in the English word "lately." Interestingly, the meaning of "lately" has also shifted over time. In the Middle English period, it was used to indicate that something had happened "fairly recently" or "not long ago." In Modern English, it has come to imply a more frequent or regular occurrence in recent times. Overall, the word "lately" has a long and interesting etymological history, with its origins in the Old English word "litel" and subsequent evolution through Middle English and early Modern English, influenced by Old French. While its meaning has shifted slightly, it remains a common and useful word in the English language today.

  • I've been feeling a bit under the weather lately.

    Dạo này tôi cảm thấy hơi không khỏe.

  • The weather in this city has been quite unpredictable lately.

    Thời tiết ở thành phố này gần đây khá khó đoán.

  • She's been working late nights at the office lately.

    Dạo này cô ấy phải làm việc đến tận khuya ở văn phòng.

  • The price of gas has been skyrocketing lately.

    Giá xăng gần đây tăng vọt.

  • He's been counting calories and working out regularly lately.

    Gần đây anh ấy đã đếm lượng calo và tập thể dục thường xuyên.

  • The economy has been struggling lately.

    Nền kinh tế đang gặp khó khăn trong thời gian gần đây.

  • My favorite coffee shop has been getting a lot of buzz lately.

    Quán cà phê yêu thích của tôi gần đây đang gây được nhiều tiếng vang.

  • The new restaurant in town has been generating rave reviews lately.

    Nhà hàng mới trong thị trấn gần đây đã nhận được nhiều đánh giá tích cực.

  • The team has been preparing tirelessly for the upcoming match, and their efforts have paid off lately.

    Toàn đội đã chuẩn bị không biết mệt mỏi cho trận đấu sắp tới và những nỗ lực của họ gần đây đã được đền đáp.

  • The news has been filled with stories about political scandals lately.

    Gần đây, tin tức tràn ngập những câu chuyện về bê bối chính trị.

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