Definition of latch


chốt cửa


The word "latch" originates from the Old French "latche," which in turn came from the Latin word " legitimus," meaning "lawful" or "rightful." In medieval times, a latch was a device used to secure a door, and it was often referred to as a "rightful fastener" or "lawful bolt," as it was seen as a legal and legitimized way to keep a space private or secure. This meaning evolved over time, and today, a latch is a simple mechanism used to hold a door closed without the use of a key or lock. Its origins in law and legitimacy may be behind the associations people have with words like "secure" and "safe" when describing latch doors.


a small metal bar that is used to fasten a door or a gate. You raise it to open the door and drop it to fasten it.

một thanh kim loại nhỏ dùng để buộc chặt cửa hoặc cổng Bạn nâng nó lên để mở cửa và thả nó xuống để buộc chặt.

  • He lifted the latch and opened the door.

    Anh nhấc chốt và mở cửa.

Extra examples:
  • She lifted the latch and went into the garden.

    Cô nhấc chốt và đi vào vườn.

  • She tried the latch, but the door wouldn't open.

    Cô thử chốt nhưng cửa không mở được.

a type of lock on a door that needs a key to open it from the outside

một loại khóa trên cửa cần có chìa khóa để mở từ bên ngoài

  • She listened for his key in the latch.

    Cô lắng nghe chiếc chìa khóa của anh trong ổ khóa.


on the latch
(British English)closed but not locked
  • Can you leave the door on the latch so I can get in?