Definition of landscaping


cảnh quan


The word "landscaping" has its roots in the 16th century. The term "landscape" originated from the Dutch phrase "landschap," which referred to a painting or drawing that depicted a natural scene or scenery. This concept was later applied to the actual practice of shaping and modifying the natural environment. In the 17th century, the term "landscape gardening" emerged, specifically referring to the art of designing and improving outdoor spaces. The modern term "landscaping" gained popularity in the early 20th century, as the concept of decorating and beautifying outdoor areas became more widespread. Today, landscaping encompasses a broad range of activities, including planting trees and flowers, designing outdoor spaces, and constructing ponds, decks, and other features. The term has evolved to encompass not only aesthetic considerations but also functional and ecological concerns, such as water conservation and sustainable design practices.


the process of making a garden or other piece of land more attractive by changing the design, adding features, planting trees, etc.

quá trình làm cho một khu vườn hoặc một mảnh đất khác hấp dẫn hơn bằng cách thay đổi thiết kế, thêm các đặc điểm, trồng cây, v.v.

  • Finally, in 1994, after extensive landscaping, the park was opened to the public.

    Cuối cùng, vào năm 1994, sau khi cải tạo cảnh quan rộng rãi, công viên đã được mở cửa cho công chúng.

features such as trees, stones, etc. that have been added to make a piece of land more attractive; land that has been made more attractive in this way

những đặc điểm như cây cối, đá, v.v. đã được thêm vào để làm cho mảnh đất trở nên hấp dẫn hơn; vùng đất đã được làm cho hấp dẫn hơn theo cách này

  • The campus has attractive buildings and beautiful landscaping.

    Khuôn viên trường có những tòa nhà hấp dẫn và cảnh quan đẹp.

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