Definition of lace




The origin of the word "lace" can be traced back to the Old French word "laç," which meant a noose or a gallows. It is believed that this concept of tightness and constriction contributed to the eventual meaning of "lace" as a material used to fasten and decorate clothing. The modern meaning of "lace" as a decorative trim for clothing and fabrics emerged during the medieval era. Women's clothing during this time often featured intricate, laced bodices, which were used to create a fitted and flattering silhouette. These bodices were typically made from strips of fabric that were woven together in a delicate and intricate pattern, known as "point de Venise," or Venetian point, which is still used in modern lace-making today. As the popularity of lace spread throughout Europe and beyond, it became a luxury item, and the intricate process of creating lace by hand became associated with aristocratic women. It was only in the 19th century that lace-making became industrialized, with the invention of lace machines, which allowed for the mass production of lace at a lower cost. Despite the rise of industrial lace, the traditional art and craft of lace-making continue to be practiced in many parts of the world, especially in countries like Belgium, Ireland, and France. This traditional craft is often seen as a symbol of cultural heritage and is passed down from generation to generation. In summary, the word "lace" originated from the Old French word "laç," which referred to a noose or a gallows. Its eventual meaning as a decorative trim for clothing emerged during the medieval era, and the intricate process of creating lace by hand became associated with aristocratic women. The popularity of lace spread throughout Europe, and the invention of lace machines led to its industrialization in the 19th century. Today, lace-making remains a cherished tradition in many parts of the world.


a very thin material made from threads of cotton, silk, etc. that are made into a pattern with holes

một vật liệu rất mỏng được làm từ sợi bông, lụa, v.v. được tạo thành một mẫu có lỗ

  • a lace handkerchief

    một chiếc khăn tay ren

  • a tablecloth edged with lace

    một chiếc khăn trải bàn có viền ren

  • lace curtains

    rèm cửa ren

Extra examples:
  • a machine for knitting lace

    một máy đan ren

  • a silk dress trimmed with lace

    một chiếc váy lụa có viền ren

Related words and phrases

a long thin piece of material like string that goes through the holes on a shoe and is used to fasten it

một mảnh vật liệu mỏng dài như sợi dây xuyên qua các lỗ trên chiếc giày và được dùng để buộc chặt nó

  • Your laces are undone.

    Dây buộc của bạn đã được tháo ra.

Extra examples:
  • to tie/​untie your laces

    buộc/tháo dây giày của bạn

  • He's still a bit young to tie his own laces.

    Cậu ấy vẫn còn hơi trẻ để tự buộc dây giày cho mình.

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