Definition of kiwi


Quả kiwi


The word "kiwi" is often associated with the small fuzzy fruit that originated in China and was first cultivated in New Zealand in the early 20th century. However, the origin of the word "kiwi" itself has an interesting story. The first time the word "kiwi" was used to refer to the fruit was in the 1950s, when it started being exported to other countries. The exact origin of the word is unclear, but it is widely believed that it comes from the New Zealand bird of the same name, known as the kiwifruit bird or kiwi bird for short. Notably, the kiwi bird is native to New Zealand and is an endangered species due to habitat loss, predation by invasive species, and other environmental threats. Its name comes from the sound it makes, which is similar to the Maori word "kiwi," meaning "to dive or burrow." The popularity of the kiwi bird, combined with the confirmation that the fruit wasn't related to any other common fruits, led to the fruit being named after the bird. This gave the fruit a unique identity in global markets and helped it stand out from other fruits. Since then, "kiwi" has become a household name around the world, with the fruit being exported to over 60 countries. The popularity of the kiwi fruit has also led to the rise of anchoring the term "kiwi culture" in many places, singling out some cultural traits or attributes that are commonly associated with New Zealanders. To summarize, the origin of the word "kiwi" for the fruit is closely connected with the native bird, which made the naming decision a natural fit given the distinctive characteristics of both the fruit and the bird.


a person from New Zealand

một người đến từ New Zealand

a New Zealand bird with a long beak, short wings and no tail, that cannot fly

một loài chim New Zealand có mỏ dài, cánh ngắn và không có đuôi, không thể bay

a small fruit with thin brown skin covered with small hairs, that is soft and green inside with black seeds

một loại quả nhỏ có vỏ mỏng màu nâu phủ nhiều lông nhỏ, bên trong mềm và xanh với hạt màu đen

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