Definition of judgemental


phán xét


The word "judgmental" originates from the noun "judgment," which comes from the Old French word "juggement" and ultimately from the Latin "judicium." "Judicium" itself comes from the verb "judicare," meaning "to judge." Over time, the adjective form "judgmental" evolved to describe someone who frequently or habitually makes judgments, often in a critical or disapproving way. This usage emerged in the late 19th century and gained widespread use throughout the 20th century.


judging people and criticizing them too quickly

đánh giá mọi người và chỉ trích họ quá nhanh

  • Stop always being so judgemental!

    Đừng luôn phán xét như vậy nữa!

Related words and phrases

connected with the process of judging things

kết nối với quá trình đánh giá mọi thứ

  • the judgemental process

    quá trình phán xét

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