Definition of jogger


người chạy bộ


The word "jogger" originated in the United States during the 1960s, as jogging, a form of low-intensity running, began to gain popularity. Initially, the term "jogging" was used interchangeably with "roadwork" to describe this new type of exercise, but over time, the term "jogger" emerged as a convenient and catchy way to refer to someone who jogs. The exact origin of the word "jogger" is somewhat unclear, with several theories floating around. One commonly quoted theory is that the word comes from the fact that jogging was primarily done as a way to "jog the memory" by clearing the mind and improving cognitive function. This theory, while interesting, is unlikely, as the term "jogger" began to appear in print long before the supposed jogging-memory connection gained widespread popularity. A more plausible theory is that the word "jogger" emerged as a playful way to poke fun at the self-conscious and somewhat rigid image that early joggers embodied. In the early days of jogging, many people viewed the activity as rather absurd, with some newspapers and magazines referring to joggers as "moving mediocrities" and "crazed admirers of sweat." The use of the term "jogger" was likely a way of poking fun at this self-serious image, as it emphasized the rather inconsequential nature of jogging itself. Regardless of its origins, the word "jogger" has come to represent a specific type of person, one who takes their health and fitness seriously enough to spend time jogging. Today, the term is more commonly used as a noun to describe the person who jogs, rather than as a descriptive verb, which has largely fallen out of fashion. Nonetheless, joggers continue to be a familiar and recognizable sight on streets and sidewalks around the world, a nod to the enduring popularity of this simple and effective form of exercise.


a person who jogs regularly for exercise

một người chạy bộ thường xuyên để tập thể dục

soft loose trousers, with elastic at the top, that you wear for doing exercise in

quần dài mềm mại, rộng rãi, có chun ở phía trên, bạn mặc khi tập thể dục