Definition of jog


chạy trốn


The origin of the word "jog" can be traced back to medieval England, where it was first used to describe a light trotting gait of a horse. This meaning of the word persisted for several centuries, appearing in various old English and Middle English texts. However, the modern meaning of "jogging" as a form of low-intensity exercise didn't emerge until the late 1960s. The term is said to have originated from a drinking game called "joker" or "jogging jug," which involved drinking from various jugs around a room in a specific order. In 1962, Dr. William C. "Bill" Bowman, an American cardiologist, started promoting jogging as a way to improve cardiovascular health. He organized the first-ever organized road race, the "Celebrate Summer" 10K (6.2 miles) run, in November 1966 in America. The term "jogging" caught on quickly as a trendy fitness craze in the following years, and it was soon adopted by the wider English-speaking world. The Oxford English Dictionary notes the first known written reference of "jogging" as a form of exercise in 1971. In summary, the word "jog" first referred to the light trot of a horse until the mid-20th century, when it was repurposed to describe a low-intensity running exercise derived from a drinking game.


to run slowly and steadily for a long time, especially for exercise

chạy chậm và đều đặn trong một thời gian dài, đặc biệt là để tập thể dục

  • I go jogging every evening.

    Tôi đi chạy bộ vào mỗi buổi tối.

Extra examples:
  • She was jogging on the spot to keep warm.

    Cô chạy bộ tại chỗ để giữ ấm.

  • They jogged steadily up the hill.

    Họ chạy bộ đều đặn lên đồi.

  • He jogged off in the direction of the lake.

    Anh chạy bộ về phía hồ.

  • She usually jogs around her local park.

    Cô ấy thường chạy bộ quanh công viên địa phương.

to hit something lightly and by accident

đánh một cái gì đó nhẹ nhàng và tình cờ

  • Someone jogged her elbow, making her spill her coffee.

    Ai đó huých khuỷu tay cô khiến cô làm đổ cà phê.

Related words and phrases


jog somebody’s memory
to say or do something that makes somebody remember something
  • Maybe these letters will help to jog your memory.