Definition of jingle




The word "jingle" originally came from the Middle English word " wyngele," which referred to a small bell or set of bells that were attached to the harnesses of pack animals like horses and donkeys. The bells served the purpose of making a ringing sound to announce the approaching animal, making it easier for people to hear and avoid them. As the use of horse-drawn carriages became more widespread in the 18th and 19th centuries, the jingling sound of the carriage's bells became a familiar and recognizable sound. The word "jingle" became associated not only with the small bells but also with the concept of a rhythmic, musical sound. The word "jingle" began to be used in a figurative sense as well. It came to refer to a catchy, musical phrase or tune, often used in advertisements or songs to catch the listener's attention. Today, the word "jingle" is widely used to describe anything that produces a repeating, musical sound, from the tinkling of keys to the jangling of coins. In summary, the word "jingle" originated from the Middle English word " wyngele," which referred to small bells attached to pack animals to warn people of their approach. As its use became more widespread, its meaning evolved to include any rhythmic or musical sound, including those in advertisements and songs.


a sound like small bells ringing that is made when metal objects are shaken together

âm thanh giống như tiếng chuông nhỏ vang lên khi các vật kim loại va chạm vào nhau

  • the jingle of coins in his pocket

    tiếng leng keng của đồng xu trong túi anh ta

  • He heard a jingle of keys at the door.

    Anh nghe thấy tiếng chìa khóa leng keng ở cửa.

a short song or tune that is easy to remember and is used in advertising

Bây giờ cô ấy là một thiếu niên, cô ấy bắt đầu quan tâm đến các chàng trai.

  • I wrote a song which they’re thinking of using as a jingle.

    Tôi đã viết một bài hát mà họ đang nghĩ đến việc sử dụng làm nhạc chuông.

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