Definition of jibe




The word "jibe" originated from the Spanish word "jibia," which refers to a type of sailboat that was popular in the 16th century. The Spanish word is believed to be derived from the Bantu language, specifically from the Congo-Angolan region. In the 17th century, English sailors adopted the word "jibe" to describe the act of turning a sailboat's sails so that they would fill with wind from the opposite side. This maneuver is also known as "jibing." Over time, the term "jibe" expanded to include other meanings, such as a phrase or statement that contradicts or disagrees with something else. Today, the word "jibe" is used in both nautical and figurative contexts to describe the process of aligning or harmonizing with something, or to describe a situation where two or more things are in sync or compatible.


an unkind or offensive remark about somebody

một nhận xét không tử tế hoặc xúc phạm về ai đó

  • He made several cheap jibes at his opponent during the interview.

    Anh ta đã đưa ra nhiều lời chế nhạo rẻ tiền đối với đối thủ của mình trong cuộc phỏng vấn.

an act of changing direction when sailing with the wind behind you, by moving the sail from one side of the boat to the other

hành động đổi hướng khi chèo thuyền với gió phía sau bạn, bằng cách di chuyển cánh buồm từ bên này sang bên kia thuyền

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