Definition of jewel


Viên ngọc


The word "jewel" has its origins in the Old English word "gewell", which referred to a precious stone or gemstone. This word is derived from the Proto-Germanic word "*guli-", which is also the source of the Modern German word "Gelüd", meaning "precious stone". In Middle English (circa 11th to 15th centuries), the word "jewel" emerged as a variant of "gewell", and by the 15th century, it had become the standard spelling. Over time, the meaning of the word expanded to include any object of high value or beauty, such as a pearl or a precious metal ornament. Today, the word "jewel" is used to describe a precious or valuable object, often associated with beauty and luxury. Its origins in Old English and Proto-Germanic reflect the historical importance of gemstones and precious metals in human culture and trade.


a precious stone such as a diamond, ruby, etc.

một loại đá quý như kim cương, hồng ngọc, v.v.

Related words and phrases

pieces of jewellery or beautiful objects that contain precious stones

đồ trang sức hoặc đồ vật đẹp có chứa đá quý

  • The family jewels are locked away in a safe.

    Đồ trang sức của gia đình được cất giữ trong két sắt.

Related words and phrases

a small precious stone or piece of special glass that is used in the machine inside a watch

một viên đá quý nhỏ hoặc một mảnh thủy tinh đặc biệt được sử dụng trong cỗ máy bên trong đồng hồ

a person or thing that is very important or valuable

một người hoặc vật đó là rất quan trọng hoặc có giá trị

  • Alice, you are a jewel.

    Alice, bạn là một viên ngọc quý.

  • Venice is the jewel of the Adriatic.

    Venice là viên ngọc quý của Adriatic.


the jewel in the crown
the most attractive or valuable part of something
  • The Knightsbridge branch is the jewel in the crown of a 500-strong chain of stores.